Certain jobs and industries involve the use of heavy-duty machinery. Industries like construction, forestry and mining log significant hours on their machines, leading to inevitable wear and tear. As a machine wears down, it loses its ability to perform as effectively. Ground engaging tools serve as a way to protect machinery from premature breakdowns while improving the strength and capabilities of the machine.
Learn more about what ground engaging tools are for and how they can benefit your operation.
Ground engaging tools (GET) are the parts of heavy equipment that make ground contact to cut, move and grade materials during work. These parts typically come as attachments to bigger machines so you can detach them to conduct maintenance, attach them or switch them out depending on your needs. While GETs help your machinery be more effective, they also help protect your machines from inevitable wear and tear. Ground engagement tools help machines operate at peak performance to achieve numerous types of jobs.
Ground engaging tools can be attached to machines like excavators, bulldozers and loaders. Ground engaging tools are made in various sizes to be used with machines of different sizes and in different industries. You can use GETs in any application involving ground-moving machines. GETs are useful pieces of equipment in any ground-moving job, from mining and construction to professional landscaping and sewer installation.